Monday, 25 November 2013

Drug Crime

Drug Crimes in British Columbia are high because of a few different reasons. 

                 B.C. has a large consumer base in densely populated areas such as Vancouver and Victoria; and these areas host large homeless populations who also become addicted to drugs and alcohol ( 1650 homeless persons in Vancouver, 573 in Victoria.)

                 Gangs in B.C. struggle for power in drug trafficking due to stricter laws being implemented in Mexico to try and combat the Drug cartels.

                 Drugs can be brought in through the high traffic boarder as well as the expansive coast line. So B.C. is more accessible than places in land of the Coast. Large quantities of drugs exclusively cocaine are exchanged for Marijuana. 

                 Geographically British Columbia offers very optimum growing conditions. B.C accounts for more than half of licensed growers/users of Marijuana. 54 % of people in B.C. have admitted to using pot before in their lives. Over 2/3 of Drug offences yearly are accounted to Marijuana.

                 Police raided a medical marijuana grow op in Abbotsford last Tuesday and found it to have eight times the limit of 35 plants, 295 plants were found on the property (Abbotsford Times.) The people who build grow ops, or get medical cards so they can try and legally sell weed have the choice to just not do that but they are tempted by the profit, maybe power, the feeling they get when they are high, or maybe they are selling drugs as a means to survive. But I think all of them are faced with 2 choices and they think that growing and selling weed or other drugs is the best option.       

Monday, 18 November 2013

Crime Theory

              My theory on crime is very vague. At first when I was asked the question "Why does crime happen?" I immediately answered "Because they're F***'n crazy!!" But when I got home that day I thought more about it and changed my opinion. So the next day when I got to school I thought i had it all figured out, my new theory "People commit crime because they are trying to gain something they don't have." I thought this covered everything, but thinking about it more I realized it was very wrong. Some people commit crime because they have some genetic abnormality, and some because they are just raised in a bad neighbor hood and are "more likely" to commit crime. There are so many different reasons and motives that drive people to commit crime! This also makes it so hard to generalize or explain why people actually commit crime. I've revised and changed my theory so many times, and my theory now may change as I get older and mature. My theory at now is that people commit crime because in the moment before they CHOSE to break the law they thought it was the best option, or it was their only option.

            Tracy Latimer was a young girl in Saskatchewan who suffered from severe Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral Palsy is cause by lack of oxygen during birth, symptoms include seizures, lack of motor and speech skills, and lack of comprehension. Tracy's Father Robert was charged with second degree murder for killing his daughter by carbon monoxide poisoning. His defense was that he was that he it was a mercy killing, his daughter was in daily pain and he took her life so she wouldn't have to deal with it all. In Roberts mind he was doing the right thing, and saving his daughter from the pain. He thought it was the best option. But in the eyes of the law Murder is Murder, Robert was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.