Thursday, 12 December 2013

Marc Lepine Mass Murder

Marc Lepine

Marc Lepine was a man who entered a University in Quebec, shot 25 people ending in 14 deaths. The main target of Lepines massacre was women. How could someone commit such a disgusting act of violence? and why did he specifically target females?


Lepine grew up in Montreal with Mother Monique after a divorce due to abuse. The Father abused Marc as he was a child, also abusing his Mother. Marc began learning these traits throughout his upbringing and when his parents were divorced his hatred grew. His Mother had been attending university to provide a better income for the household and help Marc live a better live. Marc resented his Mother because he felt as if she was succeeding him, she was not in her "rightful" place which was at home cooking and cleaning. Throughout Marc's life he continued blaming women for his own hard ships. He couldn't hold a decent job because he didnt respect authority, especially if they were female. Co-workers described him as rude towards women, obnoxious, and arrogant. Marc was fired from many jobs, his blame was placed on women co workers rather than his own actions. Lepine was rejected from the army, and a number of schools; including Ecole de Polytechnique.


Marc did not just one day all of a sudden decide he was going to massacre a large number of women, it was a hatred that had been growing since his childhood. His obsessive hatred of women had made it hard for him to keep a job, acquire wealth, and live a normal life. Finally after a bleak life of depression and shortcomings Lepine reached a "breaking point." He had nothing left to live for, so he planned to go to that school and shoot as many women as he could, once he knew he was going to be caught he fired on himself without a second thought.


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